Purchase Orders
Purchase orders are required to be issued by DaVita prior to the rendering of goods/services. If a purchase order cannot be located for goods/services already provided, please contact the DaVita teammate/facility in which these goods/services were provided to.

Purchase orders issued through Coupa can be located under the “Orders” tab within the Coupa Supplier Portal. If you use Coupa for multiple customers, please ensure DaVita is selected in the “Select Customer” drop-down on the right-hand side when accessing this page.
Reviewing Purchase Orders
To review DaVita purchase orders issued to you through Coupa, simply navigate to the “Orders” tab and click the blue PO number hyperlink. Note: All DaVita purchase orders issued through Coupa will start with “DVA.”
Suppliers can review information including but not limited to:

Order date

DaVita requester’s name and e-mail

Goods/service descriptions

Service dates


Communicating with DaVita through Purchase Orders
Suppliers can use the purchase order comment section to communicate with DaVita directly through the Coupa platform. Here, suppliers can communicate any issues with an order or any additional questions regarding the order received.