What is home dialysis?
Home dialysis is a treatment for kidney failure that lets you dialyze at home. This at-home treatment has many potential benefits, such as a more flexible treatment schedule compared to going to a dialysis center, a less restrictive diet and improved health outcomes.
There are two main types of home dialysis: peritoneal dialysis, where a solution is put into your abdomen, and home hemodialysis, where a machine filters your blood. You and your doctor will work together to decide which treatment is best for your needs.
Which treatment may be best for you?
Compare the potential lifestyle benefits of peritoneal dialysis, home hemodialysis, and in-center hemodialysis.
Peritoneal Dialysis |
Home Hemodialysis |
In-Center Hemodialysis |
Potential Lifestyle Benefits | ||||
Flexible treatment schedule | ||||
Needle-free treatment | ||||
Fewer diet restrictions | ||||
More opportunity to pursue work and life goals | ||||
Fewer trips to dialysis center | ||||
Free up daytime by dialyzing in the evening or overnight* | ||||
No care partner required | ||||
More social time with other dialysis patients | ||||
Greater ability to travel |
I’m interested in home dialysis. Where do I start?
Talk with your doctor
Even if you are currently receiving dialysis treatment in-center, home dialysis could still be an option for you. Speak with your doctor candidly about your interest in home dialysis. Ask about the potential benefits and any medical risks, as well as your treatment options and how your choice could affect your lifestyle and overall health. If you are currently treating on dialysis, learn more here.
Start home dialysis training
Once you and your doctor decide that home dialysis is right for you, you and your care partner (a friend or family member) will
start a comprehensive safety and training program with your care team. Training is customized to meet your specific needs, and
will provide you the education, tools and support needed to stay healthy and safe.
Get your home ready
Because you'll perform treatments from home, you'll need to make room to store equipment and supplies. Although the equipment and supplies you need vary based on your choice of treatment, it's essential to make sure you have a comfortable and sanitary environment dedicated for your treatments. A member of your care team will visit your home to help ensure it is set up for success.
Receive ongoing care
Even though you do not have to treat at a center, it’s important to understand that you're never alone when you do home dialysis.
You will maintain regular contact with your doctor, dialysis nurses, dietitian and social worker who will closely monitor and track your care. In most cases,
you'll also make a monthly visit to meet with your health care team and talk regularly by phone about any issues or concerns.
Could home dialysis be right for you?
Download these printable PDFs to learn more and share with your loved ones and doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Home Dialysis Care Partners
Care partners play an important role in the treatment of home patients. (HHD is more likely to require a care partner than PD.) Learn the basics of being a care partner so you can help take care of your loved one and yourself.