Nathan Lohmeyer
Vice President, Government Programs
Nathan leads integrated kidney care innovation, business development, operations and public policy for government risk programs, including ESKD Chronic Special Needs Plans (C-SNPs), ESKD Seamless Care Organizations (ESCOs) and Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation’s (CMMI) kidney care value-based models. He and his team orchestrate the delivery and innovation of a broad range of clinical and social services to ESKD patients to help further improve their overall health care-related quality of life. Under Nathan’s leadership, the government IKC business has grown by more than 10X, driving business development functions with payors, providers and CMS/CMMI. Furthermore, Nathan leads the development of integrated care policy nationally, in conjunction with the broader renal community, working with Congress, policy leaders and the Administration (HHS/CMS/CMMI) to promote and improve integrated care delivery models for kidney patients. He previously worked in health care consulting and has a BBA in Finance from Notre Dame.