Christmas Cranberry Salad


Serving Size:
1/2 cup

    Diet Types:
  • CKD non-dialysis
  • Diabetes
  • Dialysis
  • Lower Protein


  • 6 ounces dry raspberry gelatin mix
  • 8 ounces canned crushed pineapple, juice pack
  • 1 pound raw cranberries
  • 1/2 cup pecans
  • 1-1/2 cups celery
  • 1/2 teaspoon orange zest
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 8 ounces miniature marshmallows
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar


  1. Drain pineapple and reserve liquid.
  2. Make gelatin according to package directions, using drained pineapple juice for part of the liquid. Refrigerate until partially set.
  3. Chop pecans and dice celery.
  4. Chop or grind cranberries by hand or in a food processor.
  5. Mix remaining ingredients with cranberries, then blend into partially set gelatin. 
  6. Pour into greased gelatin molds and refrigerate 3 to 4 hours until firm.

Helpful hints

  • Sugar-free gelatin may be substituted for regular gelatin. Carbohydrate is reduced to 15 grams per serving and Carbohydrate choices are reduced to one.
  • For extra firmness, add 1 package unflavored dry gelatin to flavored dry gelatin before adding liquid in step #1 above.

Nutrients per serving

Calories 134

Protein 2 g

Carbohydrates 27 g

Fat 2 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 62 mg

Potassium 73 mg

Phosphorus 29 mg

Calcium 10 mg

Fiber 1.2 g

Kidney and kidney diabetic food choices

  • 1 fruit, low potassium
  • 1/2 high calorie
  • 1/2 fat

Carbohydrate choices


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Jun. 27, 2018 5:12 AM

Rating 1Rating 2Rating 3Rating 4Rating 5

Great. Thanks for sharing.